
Monday, March 20, 2017

The House

After six months of looking for a house in a seller's market, in the dead of winter, we've finally bought a house! It's in an established neighborhood we really like. We met most of our neighbors within the first 48 hours. I like that!

Here's the House.

Nashville, were still not friends, but you're growing on me!

After looking for a long time, we realized we weren't going to find everything we wanted in a house (or even things we were used to). So, we picked something with good bones we could quickly improve. Quickly, because our lease is up on our rental in six weeks!

What are we doing?

The yard... the neighbors told us that sod was put down at one point and then never watered. We were also told that the HOA requires two trees in the front yard. When one was taken out they junk plunked that one down smack dab in the middle of the yard. It might be young enough we can still move it! The back yard will come later...


The floors... the inspector told us it's wood.  Guess what? It's not... see the two tones of flooring on the left? There are several issues with the floor. New floors are getting installed! Could I do that myself? Yes! Of course! But not in six weeks and not if I want to keep my knees. The carpet upstairs is also old and getting replaced.

The paint... I don't think this house has been painted in ten years. Every square inch needs an update. Every door. Every piece of trim. And ugh...the red. There is also a good chance of more trim along the way. The start-and-stop on what rooms got crown molding and which didn't just don't make sense. 
The kitchen... I know what you're thinking. It looks nice. It's fine but very much not my style. The is MY project. Because if I DIY, I can't blame anyone when it's not just right! You'll hear about the kitchen later. 
The master shower... (better picture to come) it's more like the size of a coffin. It's small. It's also nasty. We're having it expanded...somehow.

Anyway, lots going on! Lots to do! More photos to come!

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