
About Me

I'm a wife to David. David and I have been married nine years. We know marriage is hard. We're two very different people who have come together as one. We are anchored by God's goodness and mercy that takes our mess and keeps our marriage going on a daily basis.

Together, we parent two sweet boys ages 3.5 and 2. They're 18 months apart, and they're a mess...they make messes. They make me a mess. And that's okay because I was meant to be their mama. Just excuse the mess. I've come to embrace it.

I'm a writer, apparently. I've been a writer since middle school in some way or another. I've written corporately for over ten years and continue to do so as a freelance writer when I'm asked to. But lately, my writing is just for fun me. It's not always fun. But I like to muse about life (mostly mine) and it just seems a waste to keep it tucked in my back pocket for eternity. No, really, I've been writing on the little Notes section on my phone. Sometimes you've just got to get it out there. And now I'm going to edit myself just a little bit and put it out there on the internet for all the world to see!

I'm learning photography mostly through trial and error. I run. 5Ks and 10Ks--not marathons. I like the short runs better. I'm not fast, and that's okay because I run for me. I like to say I'm a quarter crunchy--as in, I'm not all that granola, but I like some natural things, and I like cutting down on toxins in my home. I love my big box of essential oils.

...and we're moving to Nashville. It's going to be an adventure as we pick up our lives, and go somewhere new!

I'm glad you're here. Thanks for stopping by!

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